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Autumn-break yoga workshop (syysloma) 15.-17.10.2023

Technical details, health benefits and a full led primary series practice – three evening sessions – ALL LEVELS

In-person event only.
Later in the week, 19.-22 (Thurs – Sun) there is an online practice weekend!

Extended early-bird offer -20% until Saturday 14th of October!

People practicing in Alex’s previous courses.

All the 49 asanas of the Primary Series in detail

During this course you will learn to practice yoga postures in the tradition of ashtanga yoga to the rhythm of your own breath.

We will have an in-depth look at all the 49 postures of the primary series (Yoga Chikitsa) in the ashtanga yoga system – not only looking at technical details on how to adapt and modify the postures to fit your current abilities – but also highlighting health benefits in some selected poses.

The last day of this intensive we will practice the full primary series from start to finish.

For whom?

This intensive course is targeted at people who already have a bit of experience practicing ashtanga yoga, and wanting to learn more of the primary series.

Beginners are very welcome to start exploring the practice.

Introduction for beginners

If there are beginners present, we start with a short introduction for new beginners where we review the basic philosophy of the practice, breathing technique, vinyasa and sun salutations.

After the workshop

After the workshop you can continue practice with Alex in the led ashtanga yoga program or the mysore style program in Espoo. Click the link to read more and sign up.

What to bring?

Bring a normal-sized hand-towel to use as a prop. If you have two yoga blocks – bring them also.

A water bottle can be nice to bring along.

Pen and paper if you want to take notes.

Health benefits

Is it not uncommon to see positive changes in the body and mind already after a few months of regular practice.

Meet your teacher

Alex is a Swedish-speaking Finn who started to practice yoga at home in 2013, and has been practicing and teaching hatha and vinyasa yoga since 2014 (Seasonal Yoga). During the summer of 2015 Alex fell in love with the depth of the ashtanga yoga practice in 2015 with his teachers in Helsingin Astanga Joogakoulu in their summer camp in Houtskari (Petri Räisänen & Juha Javanainen). Since then Alex has been teaching over 3000 hours of yoga classes with a wide range of people, while managing Raseborgs Yogaskola, and has actively been practicing with different world renowned teachers on different workshop, such as Eddie Stern, Kino McGregor, Simon Borg-Olivier, and also online courses with David Garrigues.

“To me it’s important that the practices are taught in a safe, healthy and effective way for each student. As a yoga teacher it is important to understand that all people are different, and to embrace, or celebrate, the movement patterns of each individual.

In my teaching style you will learn to turn your senses inward (pratyāhāra), you will improve your focus and learn to practice to the rhythm of your own breath. The meditation and concentration makes the practice meaningful, and is a gateway to your inner dimensions. A yoga practice should be a practice in concentration and meditation. In ashtanga and hatha yoga we use our bodies to practice and achieve this.

We start simple, and the more you practice, the more you will learn at your own ideal pace while your body becomes stronger and softer, and your mind becomes more focused.”

Course schedule

Sunday 16.00 – 18.30

  • Welcome, introduction and presentation
  • Basic practice philosophy
    • What is vinyāsa?
    • Why vinyāsa?
    • Bandhas (Mula bandha & Uddiyana bandha)
    • Drishti
    • Concentration & meditation
    • Patañjalis ashtanga yoga
  • The standing sequence in detail
    • Sun salutations – Quick review of all asanas in Surya Namaskara A and B
    • The standing sequence asanas
  • Seated sequence in detail 1/2

Monday 17.30 – 20.00

  • The standing sequence vinyāsa practice
  • Seated sequence in detail 2/2
  • Finishing sequence

Tuesday 18.00 – 20.00

Full practice of the Primary Series from start to finish


Early-bird -20%: 119€ (norm 149€)

Extended early-bird offer -20% until Saturday 14th of October!

A paid invoice is a confirmation of your spot. We can only invite maximum 12 people for this course.


Main teaching language is English, but Swedish and Finnish will also be possible.


  • Sunday, Monday and Tuesday 15.-17.10.2023 in Anandamaya Yoga & Wellness Studio in Kauklahti (Köklax) Espoo.
  • Sunday 16.00 – 18.30 (2,5h)
  • Monday 17.30 – 20.00 (2,5h)
  • Tuesday 18.00 – 20.00 (2h)

Address: Emil Halmeen tie 1F, 02780 Espoo (Kauklahti)


Alex Lemberg

Registration form

This is binding registration form for the three-day primary series in detail intensive course. We only offer refunds with a doctors note, before the course has started. Please note that we are not allowed to refund payments made with electronic sports benefits.

Your spot is confirmed after successful payment of the course.

After registering you will shortly receive an invoice with 7 days payment time to your email – invoices are sent manually, so please be patient 🙂

Availability: 5 spots left